
Here you can find this week's worship music and bulletin if you're worshiping with us online and volunteers can find their worship service duties for Sunday. Periodically, there will be other items posted here that are of interest to the congregation. Please visit the "Contact" page on our website and send us an email using the link found there if you need the password to access the music, bulletin, or volunteer schedules.

Order of worship

Please click the button below to view and/or download the Order of Worship if you're viewing online.   

Worship Service & Volunteer Schedules

Please click the button below to view and/or download the volunteer schedule and snow shoveling schedule.

Wilmot Food Pantry Donations

Please help our church keep the Wilmot Food Pantry's shelves full. Donations can be left in the basket at the front of the sanctuary. Thank you for supporting our local community.
Requested Items:
- Canned Food (Vegetables, Fruit, Meat, Soup, Chili, Peanut Butter, Pasta Sauce, et cetera)
-Personal Items (Toothpaste, Shampoo, Deodorant, et cetera)
- Paper Products (Two-Pack Paper Towels, Napkins, Toilet Paper, et cetera)
- Sturdy reusable grocery bags
Please do not donate the following items: Refrigerated/Frozen products, pasta, and bags of beans/rice/lentils. 

Administrative page